

包崇玺, 曹阳, 易健宏, 彭元东, 柳学全, 方东, 王劲松, 何灵敏

包崇玺, 曹阳, 易健宏, 彭元东, 柳学全, 方东, 王劲松, 何灵敏. 高密度铁基粉末冶金零件制备技术[J]. 粉末冶金技术, 2022, 40(5): 458-464. DOI: 10.19591/j.cnki.cn11-1974/tf.2022030001
引用本文: 包崇玺, 曹阳, 易健宏, 彭元东, 柳学全, 方东, 王劲松, 何灵敏. 高密度铁基粉末冶金零件制备技术[J]. 粉末冶金技术, 2022, 40(5): 458-464. DOI: 10.19591/j.cnki.cn11-1974/tf.2022030001
BAO Chong-xi, CAO Yang, YI Jian-hong, PENG Yuan-dong, LIU Xue-quan, FANG Dong, WANG Jin-song, HE Ling-min. Preparation processes of high density iron-based powder metallurgy parts[J]. Powder Metallurgy Technology, 2022, 40(5): 458-464. DOI: 10.19591/j.cnki.cn11-1974/tf.2022030001
Citation: BAO Chong-xi, CAO Yang, YI Jian-hong, PENG Yuan-dong, LIU Xue-quan, FANG Dong, WANG Jin-song, HE Ling-min. Preparation processes of high density iron-based powder metallurgy parts[J]. Powder Metallurgy Technology, 2022, 40(5): 458-464. DOI: 10.19591/j.cnki.cn11-1974/tf.2022030001



    包崇玺: E-mail: cxbao@pm-china.com

  • 中图分类号: TF124

Preparation processes of high density iron-based powder metallurgy parts

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    The preparation technologies of high density iron based powder metallurgy products used in NBTM were introduced in this paper, including warm compaction, warm die compaction, double-pressing and double-sintering, and the advantages and disadvantages of these technologies were discussed. Although the preparation technologies described in this paper can improve the density and strength of powder metallurgy parts to a high level, the precision and roughness of the parts cannot meet the requirements of high-level applications, and the further machining is still needed. For the iron-based powder metallurgy parts, the precision of powder metallurgy die manufacturing, the powder characteristics, and the process stability are still needed to improve in the future, and the new sintered iron based parts preparation technology with low-cost, high-precision, and high-strength should be developed.

  • 碳化钛(TiC)具有高硬度、高熔点、导电性好、耐腐蚀、抗高温等优点,被广泛应用于工业工程、航空航天、核工业等领域[13]。由于TiC具有强的共价键,烧结性较差,影响了TiC陶瓷的力学性能,并限制了TiC陶瓷的应用[4]。通常,通过添加第二相(WC、ZrC、SiC、TiN等)以及金属相(Ti、Mo、Co、Ni、Cr等)改善TiC陶瓷的烧结性,提高陶瓷力学性能[57]。氮化钛(TiN)具有硬度高、熔点高、化学稳定性好、摩擦系数低、导电性能好、颜色独特且可变等特点,被广泛应用于机械工业、生物医疗、导电材料等领域[8]。在一定条件下,TiN可与TiC形成TiCxNy固溶体,TiCxNy固溶体的韧性和化学稳定性优于TiC,硬度和耐磨性优于TiN,故将两者复合形成固溶体,可兼容TiC和TiN的优势[910]。此外,WC、HfN与TiC、TiN或TiCN有较好的物理化学相容性[1112],它们是TiC、TiN或TiCN陶瓷材料的理想增强相。金属相不仅可改善TiC、TiN陶瓷材料的微观组织,还可提高材料的力学性能。金属Ni对TiC和TiB2陶瓷材料有较好的润湿性,随着Ni含量的增加,TiC–TiB2材料的硬度、抗弯强度和断裂韧度均有所提高[13];适量的Mo能够细化TiC–TiN–WC陶瓷材料的晶粒且能提高陶瓷的抗弯强度[9];Ti作为TiC陶瓷材料的粘结剂,可以使材料获得高的相对密度[14]。金属Re是一种熔点高、稳定性好的金属,也是陶瓷材料的理想添加剂。Zi等[15]发现Re可改善Ni与Al2O3陶瓷间的润湿性。Marcin和Anna[16]发现在Cr–Al2O3复合材料中加入Re可提高材料的摩擦磨损性能。但是,目前有关Re对TiC、TiN、TiCN陶瓷材料性能影响方面的报道较少。


    制备TiCN–WC–HfN陶瓷所用TiC、TiN、WC、HfN、Ni、Re粉末均来自上海允复纳米科技有限公司,粉末平均粒径均为0.5 μm,纯度均大于99%,具体组分及含量见表1

    表  1  TiCN–WC–HfN陶瓷组分及含量(摩尔分数)
    Table  1.  Composition and content of the TiCN–WC–HfN ceramics %
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    根据表1称量原料粉末,置于球磨罐中进行球磨,球磨介质为硬质合金球和无水乙醇,球磨时间72 h。将球磨后的浆料置入干燥箱中干燥。随后,用100目的网筛过筛,倒入直径为50 mm的石墨模具中,完成素坯的制备。使用ZT-40-20型真空热压烧结炉烧结素坯,其中烧结温度为1550 ℃,保温时间为60 min,升温速率为10 ℃·min−1,烧结压力为30 MPa。烧结后的材料经切割、粗磨、细磨、抛光等工艺制成3 mm×4 mm×40 mm的试样条。

    依据GB/T6569-2006[17]采用三点抗弯法在CREE-8003G材料试验机上测试材料的抗弯强度,其跨距为30 mm,加载速度为0.5 mm·min−1。依据GB/T16534-2009[18]在HVS-30硬度计上测试材料的维氏硬度,加载载荷196 N,保压15 s。采用压痕法[19]测试材料的断裂韧度。力学性能的测试均以15个测试结果的算术平均值作为测试结果。使用RAY-10AX-X-ray型X射线衍射仪(X-ray diffraction,XRD)和能谱仪(energy disperse spectroscope,EDS)分析材料的物相组成,并通过Supra-55型扫描电镜(scanning electron microscope,SEM)观察材料的抛光面和断口形貌。


    图  1  TiCN–WC–HfN(R3)陶瓷X射线衍射图谱
    Figure  1.  XRD patterns of the TiCN–WC–HfN (R3) ceramics


    图  2  TiCN–WC–HfN陶瓷显微形貌(a)及相组成(b)
    Figure  2.  Microstructure (a) and phase composition (b) of the TiCN–WC–HfN ceramics
    图  3  TiCN–WC–HfN陶瓷各相能谱分析:(a)黑色相;(b)白色相;(c)浅灰色相;(d)深灰色相
    Figure  3.  EDS analysis of the TiCN–WC–HfN ceramics: (a) black phase; (b) white phase; (c) light gray phase; (d) gray phase


    图  4  TiCN–WC–HfN陶瓷断口形貌:(a)R0;(b)R1;(c)R2;(d)R3
    Figure  4.  Fracture morphologies of the TiCN–WC–HfN ceramics: (a) R0; (b) R1; (c) R2; (d) R3

    图5是Re含量(摩尔分数)对TiCN–WC–HfN陶瓷力学性能的影响。由图可见,当Re的摩尔分数由0增到3.0%时,材料的硬度、抗弯强度和断裂韧度均先增大后减小;当Re的摩尔分数为2.5%时,材料的力学性能最优,其维氏硬度为(19.25±0.21) GPa、抗弯强度为(1304±23) MPa、断裂韧度为(7.73±0.22) MPa∙m1/2;而当Re摩尔分数为0时,材料的力学性能分别为(18.04±0.18) GPa、(1021±19) MPa和(7.11±0.19) MPa∙m1/2。当Re摩尔分数为2.5%时,材料在断裂过程中,其断口上较多的小晶粒被拔出形成凹坑,以及晶粒在断裂过程中形成解离面都需要消耗大量的断裂能,这是其力学性能较高的主要原因。当Re摩尔分数为3.0%时,材料的抗弯强度和维氏硬度发生了较大幅度的降低,这是由晶粒的严重聚集造成的。

    图  5  Re含量对TiCN–WC–HfN陶瓷力学性能的影响
    Figure  5.  Relationship between the Re content and mechanical properties of the TiCN–WC–HfN ceramics


    图  6  TiCN–WC–HfN(R3)陶瓷裂纹扩展路径
    Figure  6.  Crack propagation of the TiCN–WC–HfN (R3) ceramics



    (3)当Re摩尔分数由0增到3.0%时,材料的硬度、抗弯强度和断裂韧度均先增大后减小。当Re摩尔分数为2.5%时,材料的力学性能最优,其维氏硬度为(19.25±0.21) GPa、抗弯强度为(1304±23) MPa、断裂韧度为(7.73±0.22) MPa∙m1/2。材料在断裂过程中存在穿晶断裂和沿晶断裂,裂纹发生了偏转和桥连。

  • 图  1   东睦公司最早量产的温压偏心齿轮

    Figure  1.   First batch produced warm compaction eccentric gears by NBTM

    图  2   温压条件下FC0205粉体的压缩性能

    Figure  2.   Compressibility of the FC0205 powders by warm compaction

    图  3   温模压制生产的齿轮(a)和对应的显微组织结构(b)

    Figure  3.   Sintered clutch gears (a) and the corresponding microstructure (b) produced by warm die compaction

    图  4   温模压制条件下FC0208粉体的压缩性能

    Figure  4.   Compressibility of the FC0208 powders by warm die compaction

    图  5   温压后复压复烧工艺生产的链轮及对应的微观组织:(a)链轮;(b)吸热性气氛复烧后组织;(c)吸热性气氛烧结后淬火件金相组织

    Figure  5.   Sintered sprockets and the corresponding microstructure by warm compaction and double press/double sinter: (a) sprockets; (b) microstructure after the resintering in endothermic atmosphere; (c) microstructure of the quenched parts after sintering in the endothermic atmosphere

    图  6   熔渗铜平衡块(a)及平衡块中的孔隙(b)

    Figure  6.   Infiltration copper counterbalance (a) and the porosity (b)

    图  7   经表面(齿部)致密化后的凸轮轴链轮(a)和齿顶孔隙分布(b)

    Figure  7.   Sintered camshaft sprocket (a) and the pore distribution (b) of the tooth top after the surface densification

    图  8   经过表面致密化的气动工具打击块以及致密化前后外表面孔隙分布:(a)经过表面致密化的打击块;(b)致密化前孔隙分布;(c)致密化后孔隙分布

    Figure  8.   Sintered hammer and the pore distribution in the outer surface before and after surface densification: (a) surface densification hammer; (b) pore distribution in the outer surface before surface densification; (c) pore distribution in the outer surface after surface densification

    图  9   经端面致密化的单向离合器挡圈(a)及致密化后孔隙情况(b)

    Figure  9.   One way clutch retaining ring densified by end face (b) and the pore distribution after densification (b)

    图  10   模壁润滑链轮的表面状态

    Figure  10.   Surface condition of sprocket by die wall lubrication

    图  11   粉末锻造单向离合器及不同部位的孔隙:(a)单向离合器;(b)内侧表面;(c)心部

    Figure  11.   Powder forged one-way clutch and the pore distribution in the different position: (a) one-way clutch; (b) the inside surface; (c) the core of clutch

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