

单东栋, 王玲, 秦颖楠, 管科

单东栋, 王玲, 秦颖楠, 管科. 旋锻变形量对钨合金组织及力学性能的影响[J]. 粉末冶金技术, 2024, 42(3): 290-296. DOI: 10.19591/j.cnki.cn11-1974/tf.2023060003
引用本文: 单东栋, 王玲, 秦颖楠, 管科. 旋锻变形量对钨合金组织及力学性能的影响[J]. 粉末冶金技术, 2024, 42(3): 290-296. DOI: 10.19591/j.cnki.cn11-1974/tf.2023060003
SHAN Dongdong, WANG Ling, QIN Yingnan, GUAN Ke. Effect of rotary swaging deformation on microstructure and mechanical properties of tungsten alloys[J]. Powder Metallurgy Technology, 2024, 42(3): 290-296. DOI: 10.19591/j.cnki.cn11-1974/tf.2023060003
Citation: SHAN Dongdong, WANG Ling, QIN Yingnan, GUAN Ke. Effect of rotary swaging deformation on microstructure and mechanical properties of tungsten alloys[J]. Powder Metallurgy Technology, 2024, 42(3): 290-296. DOI: 10.19591/j.cnki.cn11-1974/tf.2023060003



    单东栋: E-mail: shandongdong@attl.cn

  • 中图分类号: TF123; TG146.4

Effect of rotary swaging deformation on microstructure and mechanical properties of tungsten alloys

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    为了获得高性能钨合金,对93WNiFe钨合金进行旋锻变形加工,研究旋锻变形量对93WNiFe钨合金力学性能及组织的影响。结果表明,随着变形量的增加,93WNiFe钨合金组织中W晶粒由圆球状逐渐被拉长成长条状,室温抗拉强度随变形量的增加而增加,由982 MPa增加到1622 MPa,断后延伸率随变形量的增加快速降低,由35.5%下降到5.5%。当旋锻变形量小于15%时,随着变形量的增加,93WNiFe合金洛氏硬度快速增加,室温冲击韧性快速降低;当变形量大于15%后,合金洛氏硬度增加变缓,室温冲击韧性值降低变缓;当变形量为30%时,洛氏硬度最大为HRC 47.2,室温冲击韧性值最小为30.80 J·cm−2。未变形的烧结态93WNiFe合金断口形貌中存在少量W晶粒解理断裂、大量W–粘结相界面断裂、W–W界面断裂和粘结相韧窝断裂;随着锻造变形量的增加,断口形貌中W晶粒解理断裂数量逐渐增加,W–粘结相界面断裂、W–W界面断裂和粘结相韧窝断裂数量逐渐减少。


    The 93WNiFe alloys were deformed by rotary swaging process to obtain the high-performance tungsten alloys. The effect of rotary swaging deformation on the mechanical properties and microstructure of the 93WNiFe tungsten alloys were studied. The results show that, with the increase of deformation, the W grains in 93WNiFe tungsten alloys are elongated from spheroid to long strip, the tensile strength at room temperature increases from 982 MPa to 1622 MPa, and the elongation decreases from 35.5% to 5.5%. When the deformation of rotary swaging is less than 15%, the Rockwell hardness of the 93WNiFe alloys increases rapidly and the impact toughness decreases rapidly at room temperature with the increase of deformation. When the deformation is greater than 15%, the Rockwell hardness increases slowly, and the impact toughness decreases slowly at room temperature. When the deformation is 30%, the maximum Rockwell hardness is HRC 47.2, and the minimum impact toughness at room temperature is 30.80 J·cm−2. There are a small number of W grain cleavage fractures, a large number of W–bond phase interface fractures, W–W interface fractures, and binder phase dimple fractures in the sintered 93WNiFe alloys without deformation. With the increase of deformation, the number of W grain cleavage fractures increases gradually, and the number of W–bond phase interface fractures, W–W interface fractures, and binder phase dimple fractures decrease gradually.

  • 图  1   不同变形量下93WNiFe合金微观组织:(a)烧结态;(b)10%;(c)15%;(d)20%;(e)25%;(f)30%;(g)烧结态放大图;(h)30%放大图

    Figure  1.   Microstructures of the 93WNiFe alloys under the different deformations: (a) sintering state; (b) 10%; (c) 15%; (d) 20%; (e) 25%; (f) 30%; (g) amplification diagram of the sintering state; (h) amplification diagram of 30%

    图  2   不同变形量93WNiFe合金室温拉伸力学性能:(a)应力应变曲线;(b)抗拉强度和延伸率

    Figure  2.   Tensile mechanical properties of the 93WNiFe alloys with the different deformations at room temperature: (a) stress strain curves; (b) tensile strength and elongation

    图  3   不同变形量下93WNiFe合金断口形貌:(a)烧结态;(b)烧结态放大图;(c)10%;(d)15%;(e)20%;(f)25%;(g)30%

    Figure  3.   Fracture morphology of the 93WNiFe alloys under the different deformations: (a) sintering state; (b) amplification diagram of sintering state; (c) 10%; (d) 15%; (e) 20%; (f) 25%; (g) 30%

    表  1   93WNiFe合金旋锻工艺参数

    Table  1   Rotary swaging process parameters of the 93WNiFe alloys

    锻造火次加热制度锻后直径 / mm总变形量 / %
    1800 ℃×1 h19.010
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    表  2   不同变形量下93WNiFe合金硬度及冲击韧性

    Table  2   Hardness and impact toughness of the 93WNiFe alloys under the different deformations

    变形量 / %硬度,HRC冲击韧性 / (J·cm−2)
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  • 收稿日期:  2023-05-21
  • 网络出版日期:  2023-10-20
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