JB-1 Apparatus for the Determination of Specific Surface Area by Nitrogen Adsorption and the Simplification of Calculation
摘要: JB-1型氮吸附比表面测定仪是经改进的一种测量粉末和多孔物质表面积的装置。本文介绍了仪器的结构、使用及其简化计算方法。氮气偏离理想气体的校正因子α值,文献上沿用1.05,我们考虑到吸附平衡时的压力和低温浴对α的影响,推出公式:
当T与77.4K相差不大,P2=10~25cmHg时可近似取α=1.01。本测定仪经国家标准总局审定后发布,自1982年3月起为测定钨粉,碳化钨粉比表面积(平均粒度)的国家标准。Abstract: A simplified apparatus for the determination of specific surface area by nitrogen adsorption has been constructed, The correction factor for non-ideality of nitrogen gas used is calculated by a formula derived by the author.This apparatus is simple and convenient for routine work, the calculation can be simplified by using tables and a curve, On the basis of a large number of data, the percentage standard error has been calculated to be 2.2~6.7%, lower than 2.8~14.5% in the British standard for similar apparatus.