She Jihong, Jiang Dongliang, Tan Shouhong, Guo Jingkun. IMPROVEMENT OF SiC-TiC COMPOSITES BY HOT ISOSTATIC PRESSING[J]. Powder Metallurgy Technology, 1993, 11(1): 3-7.
She Jihong, Jiang Dongliang, Tan Shouhong, Guo Jingkun. IMPROVEMENT OF SiC-TiC COMPOSITES BY HOT ISOSTATIC PRESSING[J]. Powder Metallurgy Technology, 1993, 11(1): 3-7.
She Jihong, Jiang Dongliang, Tan Shouhong, Guo Jingkun. IMPROVEMENT OF SiC-TiC COMPOSITES BY HOT ISOSTATIC PRESSING[J]. Powder Metallurgy Technology, 1993, 11(1): 3-7.
She Jihong, Jiang Dongliang, Tan Shouhong, Guo Jingkun. IMPROVEMENT OF SiC-TiC COMPOSITES BY HOT ISOSTATIC PRESSING[J]. Powder Metallurgy Technology, 1993, 11(1): 3-7.
Hot-pressed SiC-TiC composites with different densities were hot isostatically pressed in N2. The possibility of that open pores can be closed was analyzed theoretically and confirmed experimentally. Moreover, the effect of post-HIPping on physical and mechanical properties such as density, strength and fracture toughness was investigated. The results showed that SiC and TiC can be transformed respectively into Si3N4 and TiN under high pressure N2 and high temperature. For the SiC-TiC composites with a density of about 95% by presintering under hot-pressing condition and after nitridation by HIPping under 200MPa in N2 at 1850℃ for 1 h,the room-temperature strength was increased from 345 MPa to 686 MPa,the fracture toughness was up to 7.9 MPa·m1/2 and the oxidation resistance was also obviously improved.