
Publishing Ethics

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Powder Metallurgy Technology follows recognized publishing ethical standards. Any form of plagiarism is prohibited. Authors who submit to this journal must guarantee the originality of the content, and ensure that their articles have not been published in any language, in full or in part, nor have been submitted elsewhere in aim of publishing.

Editors, authors, and reviewers of this journal should take following responsibilities and comply with relevant regulations and requirements of Powder Metallurgy Technology.


Section 1 Responsibility of Editors

1. Editors may accept, reject, or require revisions to the manuscript based on reviewers' comments and the editorial board's review reports.

2. Editors should not have conflicts of interest with articles they reject or accept.

3. Editors must ensure that each manuscript is initially evaluated for originality using appropriate software. After this test, the manuscript will be forwarded to two reviewers for single-blind peer review, who will provide specific suggestions for acceptance, rejection, or revision.

4. Editors must ensure that all manuscripts accepted by this journal are subject to knowledge content review, regardless of authors' gender, race, religion, and nationality.


Section 2 Responsibility of Authors

1. Authors should provide accurate description of their original research and objective argument about its importance. Manuscripts should comply with relevant requirements in the "Instructions for Authors" on this website.

2. Authors should not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time, nor should they publish a manuscript describing the same research in multiple journals.

3. Authors should confirm all sources of data used in the study and cite publications that have an impact on their research work.

4. Authors should be limited to those who have made significant contributions to the conceptualization, design, execution, or interpretation of the reported research, and those who have made significant contributions must be listed as co-authors.

5. Authors should submit the Authors Statement Form, detailing their contributions and disclosing any competing interests to the editorial office.


Section 3 Responsibility of Reviewers

1. Reviewers must ensure that authors have confirmed all sources of data used in the study. If plagiarism or multiple submission are found, it should be immediately reported to the editorial office.

2. The review of manuscript must be objective and fair. Review comments must be supported by arguments.

3. Reviewers should have no conflict of interest with the study, authors, and/or sponsors of the study.

4. Reviewers should indicate published works that have not yet been cited.

5. When a reviewer feels that it is impossible to complete the review within the specified time, the editor must be informed so that the manuscript can be assigned to other reviewers.


Section 4 Correction and Retraction

1. Editors will consider publishing retractions in the following situations: there is clear evidence that research results are unreliable due to improper behavior (such as data falsification) or honest mistakes (such as misjudgment or experimental errors); the research results have been previously published without appropriate cross-referencing, permission, or justification (i.e. duplicate publication); the article is involved in plagiarism or unethical research.

2. Retraction notice should be linked to the retracted article (all electronic versions), clearly identify the article to be retracted (for example, indicating the title and authors), and try to minimize the negative effects of misleading publications.

3. Editors will consider publishing corrections when a small portion of a reliable article is proven to be misleading (especially due to honest mistakes), or when the list of authors/contributors is incorrect (i.e. competent authors were omitted or those who did not meet the copyright requirements were included).


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